Minor upgrades are free for our registered users. New users can register Chronograph at a cost of $19.95. Select one of the following ways: 1. Through the World Wide Web. This is the fastest and easiest way. The ordering page is secure, assuring that your information remains confidential. Use https://usd.swreg.org/cgi-bin/b.cgi?s=30093&p=30093ALTRIX3 2. You can also order Chronograph by fax, mail or toll-free voice. Simply open the link above and follow the instructions. After payment approval (usually, in one business day), we will send you the registration key which will remove all limitations of the unregistered version. If you do not get your registration key within a reasonable time (two business days for credit card payments or two weeks for other payments), please notify us at support@altrixsoft.com. We trust there will be no inconvenience caused by these delays. Important: when completing the order form, please double-check that your e-mail address is correct. If it is not, you will be unable to receive the registration key.